There are several news about this year's International Lisp Conference to be held in Cambridge, UK in the first week of April. + The Register has published a press release about the conference at http://www.regdeveloper.co.uk/ 2007/02/03/2007_international_lisp_conference/. Now we're trying to use this to raise the profile of Lisp in general and ILC 2007 in particular by getting the article "dugg", so that lots of other people will notice it. Please, take a minute to help us by visiting the article and following the "Digg this" link. Or you can go straight to http://digg.com/programming/Let_s_Lisp_again (If you haven't previously joined digg, it's free and will take you another minute.) + There is a conference poster available for download at http:// www.international-lisp-conference.org/2007/images/poster.jpg Please print it off and distribute it everywhere. + Finally, you can show off your Lisp programming skills by providing implementations for the conference's programming contest. See http:// www.international-lisp-conference.org/2007/contest for more details. Pascal -- Pascal Costanza, mailto:pc@p-cos.net, http://p-cos.net Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Programming Technology Lab Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium