Well, perhaps i should spend less time in front of math textbooks and more time in real life ..
looks i like will be having problems finding a room in a hotel .. next time i will probably try to plan in advance
until then: if you got a double and are sick of parking your luggage on the spare bed or want to have fun watching me crawling out of a dewed sleeping back then please do not hesitate to give me a call
the telephonnumber below will just be fine .. :)
yours sincerely christian bahls
[2006-04-28 19:30] Christian Ruediger Bahls christian.bahls@gmx.de wrote:
last chance for me to use a computer before tomorrow evening
so i would like to ask again if any program that i could join has been planned for saturday afternoon.
i will be reachable by cell phone
you will find my phone number at:
please excuse the crude ascii-art i prefer my number not to be crawled accidentally
yours christian bahls
eurolisp site list eurolisp@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/mailman/listinfo/eurolisp