--- Nick Levine <ndl@ravenbrook.com> wrote:
Arthur / Edi: I wonder whether it's worth opening a list via the meeting website to figure out how many others might have regsitered, had they got there in time.
This really does look like it doubles in scale every time you do it. On a 6-month timescale, that puts Moore's Law where it belongs. Impressive.
An alternative would be a simple list of registration timestamps: when the 75 people registered. No identifying info is needed, the pure times should be sufficient. It might be useful for someone to then make a quick graph and see whether it's useful (for extrapolating a guess) or not. Of course, I'm not at all knowledgeable about statistics, so I don't know how effective this may be. MfG, Tayssir __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com