The company which is hosting my server weitz.de wants to move it to a different city in the night from Wednesday to Thursday. It should be up and running again in two days, but you never know... Just in case, the registration app itself can be reached at http://eclm.eurolisp.org/ and it's on a different machine, so it won't be affected by this relocation. On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Edi Weitz <edi@agharta.de> wrote:
Hi everybody,
Registration for the ECLM 2011 is now finally open. Please go to the ECLM website at
and follow the instructions there. We're hoping to see at least as many participants as in the last years in order not to go bankrupt... :)
Also, should you encounter any technical problems (we hope not), please don't hesitate to contact us.
And of course feel free to blog about this or advertise it on other mailing lists.
Thanks, Arthur & Edi.