On Mon, 03 Apr 2006 15:00:11 +0200, "eurolisp@mhoffmann.dds.nl" <eurolisp@mhoffmann.dds.nl> wrote:
At the end of the month the ECLM will take place in Hamburg. I am looking for not so expensive accomodation. I had hoped to book a room at instantsleep.de for about euro 25, but the rooms are already gone. Does anybody have information about cheap hotels, private rooms etc. which are recomended?
Have you checked the youth hostels? <http://lbs.hh.schule.de/djh/jhstintfang.htm> <http://lbs.hh.schule.de/djh/jghhamburg.htm> You'll probably have to phone them directly. Note that the second one is a bit off the city's center but you should be able to reach the meeting as well as the Saturday dinner easily with public transport. The "Schanzenstern" hotels are also supposed to be quite inexpensive but I don't think you'll get a room for EUR 25 there. <http://www.schanzenstern.de/> HTH, Edi.