[eurolisp] ECLM 2011 deadline extension

Hi everybody, We've had a lot of additional registrations for the European Common Lisp Meeting 2011 since we sent our email a week ago and if everybody who has registered by now actually participates, we'll not end up with a loss or only with a very small one. Still, we wouldn't mind if a few more people would come and therefore we decided to extend the registration period a bit. You can now register until October 1 before the registration process is really closed for good. See <http://weitz.de/eclm2011/> for all the details. Also, there were a couple of people who spontaneously offered to send donations after we announced our potential loss. That was very kind and we're grateful for these offers - thanks a lot! Luckily, it looks like we won't need the money. Looking forward to seeing you all in Amsterdam, Arthur & Edi.
participants (1)
Edi Weitz