[eurolisp] Fwd: Consulting position offered: Common Lisp / javascript

Hi, The following consulting announcement comes from comp.lang.lisp. Yes, it's on the other side of the ocean, but they say that "the work would be performed at home in close email and phone coordination". So I suppose the posting is more or less appropriate for this list. And I can't pass the opportunity to have two Lisp work announcements on one day... Arthur Lemmens ---- Doorgestuurd Usenet-bericht ---- Van: "JP Massar" <massar@alum.mit.edu> Newsgroepen: comp.lang.lisp Onderwerp: Consulting position offered: Common Lisp / javascript Datum: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 18:23:32 +0200 URL: news://<vli232ptrlthq9mruf7pmhib3ln2dgcu4j@4ax.com> The BioBike project, ( http://www.biobike.net, http://sourceforge.net/projects/biolingua/ ) funded through NSF Grant BDI-0516378, has a four month consulting opportunity (May 1 -> Aug. 31). An experienced software engineer is needed to work on this open source project developing, designing, and implementing a visual programming language for biological end-user programming implemented in Common Lisp and Lispscript (a rendition of javascript in Lisp-like syntax). The candidate must be proficient in both Common Lisp (ACL, Allegroserve) and javascript (browser-based DOM manipulation required, Ajax-style server interactions desirable). The work would be performed at home in close email and phone coordination with Peter Seibel and JP Massar. This is a closed-end contract at $50/hr x 20hrs/week for the four month period, with possibility of extension subject to performance and funds availability. Send letters of interest along with relevant experience to JP Massar, t h i s i s n o i s e - m a s s a r a t a l u m . m i t . e d u
participants (1)
Arthur Lemmens