Re: [eurolisp] BeNeLux Lisp meet ing: Sunday, July 1 2007 — 17:00

Hey Eurolispers, I'm just spamming you a reminder that we're hosting a Lisp meeting in The Hague this Sunday. At least ten people should be here, with a broad range of experiences and interests. For those interested in Lisp businesses, this meeting will be at the offices of a growing Lisp-using company which already has multiple commercial projects. You'll be able to see up-close what sorts of issues arise. I personally hope that these meetings won't just be episodic affairs, but offer a practical service to interested Lisp users. To counterbalance boring business issues, Pascal Costanza is offering an entertainingly philosophical talk about the history of reflection and metaprogramming in the Lisp family. (If you were ever curious what 3-Lisp and its "infinite reflective tower" is all about, you'll no doubt find this interesting.) This is an informal meeting, so no registration is needed: feel free to come as you wish, and I hope you enjoy it. If you need directions or a hotel room, there's more info at: Tayssir On Jun 1, 12:57 pm, Tayssir John Gabbour <> wrote:
Quite a few Lisp users are meeting in the Hague, and hopefully you'll attend. It'll take place at the comfortable office of a Lisp-using company.
Sunday, July 1 2007 - 17:00
Streamtech Joseph Ledelstraat 100 2518 The Hague, Netherlands

Tayssir wrote:
I'm just spamming you a reminder that we're hosting a Lisp meeting in The Hague this Sunday. At least ten people should be here, with a broad range of experiences and interests.
Great. Looking forward to it. See you all on Sunday. Arthur
participants (3)
Arthur Lemmens
Tayssir John Gabbour
Ties Stuij