[eurolisp] [CfPart] European Lisp Workshop '07

+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 4th European Lisp Workshop | | July 30 - Berlin, Germany - co-located with ECOOP 2007 | | Supported by Clozure Associates - http://clozure.com | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ********** ** News ** ********** * We have accepted six papers for presentation, about functional languages for representing productive meta-models, dynamic data models: an application of MOP-based persistence, two papers about user-defined specializers in CLOS and Skill++, thread and interrupt safe method dispatch in PCL, and recent developments in ContextL. * Alexander Repenning will be giving a keynote presentation about "Antiobjects: Mapping Game AI to Massively Parallel Architectures using Collaborative Diffusion". * The exact programme is available at the workshop website. There is still enough room to participants, so please contact Pascal Costanza at pc@p-cos.net if you wish to participate. The deadline for registration is July 28, 2007. See the workshop website at http://lisp-ecoop07.bknr.net/ for more details. -- Pascal Costanza, mailto:pc@p-cos.net, http://p-cos.net Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Programming Technology Lab Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussel, Belgium
participants (1)
Pascal Costanza