[eurolisp] [ANN] 2nd European Lisp & Scheme Workshop

This is actually a draft announcement. We are still waiting for some information from the ECOOP organizers, and the workshop website isn't online yet (this is mainly my fault). In order not to delay the most important details any further, here is what we already have. A more detailed announcement is to follow soon. +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2nd European Lisp and Scheme Workshop | | July 26 - Glasgow, Scotland - co-located with ECOOP 2005 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ************************************************************************ Important - The workshop will include a keynote by Richard P. Gabriel. (pending) - We are looking for papers & for breakout group proposals! (see below) ************************************************************************ Important Dates: Submission deadline: May 16, 2005 Notification of acceptance: May 27, 2005 ECOOP early registration deadline: pending For more information contact pc@p-cos.net Organizers ********** Pascal Costanza, Programming Technology Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Theo D'Hondt, Programming Technology Lab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel Arthur Lemmens, Independent Consultant, Amsterdam Manuel Serrano, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France Website: Hans Huebner, Berlin Overview ******** Lisp has a tradition of providing a fruitful basis for language design experiments for many decades. The structure of Lisp, including its current major dialects Common Lisp and Scheme, makes it easy to extend the language or even to implement entirely new dialects without starting from scratch. The Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) was the first object-oriented programming language to receive an ANSI standard. It is, arguably, the most complete and advanced object system of any language. Despite having somewhat disappeared from the radar of popular computer science, Lisp has just started to gain momentum again. There is a steadily growing interest in Lisp as such, with numerous user groups having formed recently worldwide, and Lisp's metaprogramming notions that are being transferred to other languages to different extents, as for example in AOP, MDA, DSL, and so on. This one-day workshop will address the near-future role of Lisp-based languages in research, industry and education. We want to solicit papers and suggestions for breakout groups that discuss the opportunities Lisp provides to capture and enhance the possibilities in software engineering. We also want to promote lively discussion between researchers proposing new approaches and practitioners reporting on their experience with the strengths and limitations of current Lisp technologies. Papers ****** Suggested Topics: * Macro programming * Metaprogramming * Reflection * New language features / abstractions * Case studies * Experience reports * Industrial applications * Object-Oriented Programming * Declarative Programming * Aspect-Oriented Programming * Domain-Oriented Programming * Generative Programming * Ambient Intelligence * Unanticipated Software Evolution * Design Patterns * Educational Perspectives Breakout Groups *************** We want to promote to take advantage of meeting other Lispers and Schemers face to face by organizing breakout groups around focused topics. Example topics: Discuss the feature set of the next version of Slime; work on details of the CLRFI process; exchange experiences with various macro systems for Scheme; detail a wishlist for R6RS; compare and enhance curricula for computer science education. And so on. In order to have effective discussions at those breakout groups, we are negotiating meeting rooms for an extra day in addition to the actual workshop with the ECOOP organizers. Submission Guidelines ********************* Potential attendants are expected to submit * either a long paper (10 pages) presenting scientific and/or empirical results about Lisp- and Scheme-based uses or new approaches for software engineering purposes * or a short essay (5 pages) defending a position about where research and practice based on Lisp and Scheme should be heading in the near future * a proposal for a breakout group (1-2 pages) describing the theme, an agenda and/or expected results Submissions should be mailed as PDF to Pascal Costanza (pc@p-cos.net) before the submission deadline. Please indicate whether you need an earlier notification of acceptance than the official date.
participants (1)
Pascal Costanza