[eurolisp] International Lisp Conference 2009

Register now! Early registration ends after March 1. THE INTERNATIONAL LISP CONFERENCE, 2009 Sunday, March 22 through Wednesday, March 23 The Stata Center, MIT, Cambridge, MA. Presented by the Association of Lisp Users In cooperation with ACM SIGPLAN Featuring four invited speakers: * David Moon (co-founder of Symbolics, Inc.) Genuine, full-power, hygienic macro system for a language with syntax * Gerald Jay Sussman (MIT) Evolvability and Robust Design * Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown) The Moby Scheme Compiler for Smartphones, or, Is That a Parenthesis in Your Pocket? * Olin Shivers (Northeastern) The Anatomy of a Loop: A Story of Scope and Control As well as: * Seven tutorials (no extra charge) * Fifteen technical papers * Seven demonstrations * Lightning talks (you can give you own; first-come, first-served) * An all-star panel on the future of Lisp * Debate: Are Macros a Menace? * Birds of a feather sessions, and other informal discussions * Banquet at the Hyatt-Regency, with special entertainment (no extra charge) Meet the top Lisp experts and practitioners in the world. Learn how to get the most out of Lisp. Find about about the latest developments from research and industry. The conference is a rare opportunity for face-to-face interaction, sharing knowledge and ideas with the experts of the worldwide Lisp community. Students are especially welcome. Everyone will have a great time! Here's where to find all the information: http://www.international-lisp-conference.org/2009/ Sponsored by: * ITA Software, Inc. * Franz Inc. * LispWorks Limited * Clozure Associates LLC * Mathematical Systems, Inc. * Ravenbrook Limited General chair: Daniel L. Weinreb Program chair: Guy L. Steele Jr. For further information, please write to ilc09-program-committee at alu dot org. (Please redistribute this notice to whomever might be interested, and make copies of the conference poster and distribute them everywhere: http://www.international-lisp-conference.org/2009/publicity)
participants (1)
Nick Levine