Re: [eurolisp] Bigger room for European Common Lisp Meeting

Arthur and Edi, thank you very much for your endured/ing efforts. This time I'm in and no more p.o.'ed -- and will look for room & transports after registration, instead of usually doing it the other way round :). Who will be traveling from the Frankfurt area, and at what time/day? Regards, Jörg Höhle.

Hi Jörg
Who will be traveling from the Frankfurt area, and at what time/day?
On the web site you can sort the list of participants by city, country, etc (just click on the column header). According to that information, Bruno Haible, Markus Fix and Ergin Bozun are from Frankfurt. I don't think they're all on this list, so you could try to contact them directly. Regards, Arthur

On Fri, 2005-03-18 at 13:35 +0100, Hoehle, Joerg-Cyril wrote:
Arthur and Edi,
thank you very much for your endured/ing efforts. This time I'm in and no more p.o.'ed -- and will look for room & transports after registration, instead of usually doing it the other way round :).
Who will be traveling from the Frankfurt area, and at what time/day?
The only way for me to get to Amsterdam is through Frankfurt. I can get there around 23:20 (Friday, April 22). I guess nobody is going to Amsterdam at that time of day (night)? I also don't have much experience travelling, so I would appreciate any and all advice you (yes, yes, you :) could provide. The most important parts being getting from Frankfurt to Amsterdam and getting a place to stay there. Maybe somebody who has alreaddy booked a place can tell me about it? I'll try to contact people from Frankfurt mentioned in the other mail. -- Janis Dzerins If million people say a stupid thing, it's still a stupid thing.
participants (3)
Arthur Lemmens
Hoehle, Joerg-Cyril
Janis Dzerins