On Wed, 08 Mar 2006 15:01:39 +0100, Andreas Fuchs asf@boinkor.net wrote:
This didn't exactly work; I get errors stating that the in-memory stream isn't a binary stream.
OK. I only tested on LispWorks. But as we know now this wasn't what you wanted anyway... :)
My current scheme is (horrible and) as follows: I read a line in the latin-1 external format, then create a vector from the char-codes, and decode that with try-decode-line.
Why latin-1, you ask? Because it has a 1:1 code point mapping to bytes, as far as irc is concerned, and I don't have to implement my own buffering, which would really suck - IRC operates on lines, whereas all binary streams need fixed-width buffers.
Seems reasonable, although not cute... :)