Yes, perfectly understood about the test case. At this point I was just trying to see if this problem sounded familiar to anyone. If I can generate an isolated test case, I certainly will.
In the meantime, David Lichteblau wrote me the following that may help: - ---- CL+SSL is known to be broken on Allegro with a failure mode like this. I can only guess why, but since Allegro already includes SSL support, perhaps there is some kind of conflict between the two FFI uses.
I think the workaround Edi used in his libraries was to do #+allegro (excl:make-ssl-client-stream ...) #-allegro (cl+ssl:make-ssl-client-stream ...) but if the problem stays unsolved, it would be better to move this kind of hack into CL+SSL itself, so that it wraps the built-in streams on Allegro instead of doing things itself.
Unfortunately I don't really have the time for CL+SSL development at the moment, but patches are always welcome, of course. - ----
I'll see what I can do about producing some code that gets past this.
- -Jason
Edi Weitz wrote:
It would be helpful if you could provide a self-contained test case which I can use to reproduce the problem - preferably without the need to load other libraries.
Cheers, Edi.