Thanks a million, Jens! Unfortunately, that folder doesn’t even exist. I may, however, have found a clue: mentions: “You can develop plug-ins for the Microsoft Windows platform or for Mac OS X (10.4 and higher) on Intel processors, but not on PowerPCs.” I’m using a Power Mac G5. Is that the problem, right there?

Thanks again,


On 2 Jul 2008, at 5:19 PM, Jens Teich wrote:

Jeff Drake schrieb:
On 2 Jul 2008, at 11:05 AM, Jens Teich wrote:
Jeff Drake schrieb:
I just downloaded the EXIF Plugin (v.0.2.0) and I can’t get it to work. I’ve install the plugin in my Extensions folder, but all I’m getting in the ExifDemo file is <Function Missing>.

Which FileMaker Version?

Which OS (You have chosen the right plugin for your OS)?

Do you see the plugin at preferences -> plugins?
Can you activate it there?
Man… I usually slam people for not posting that kind of info. Duh…
FileMaker Pro Advanced 9.0v3
Mac OS X v.10.5.4
ExifPlugIn.fmplugin is in the Extensions folder. (In fact, when it didn’t work, the first time, I also stuck ExifPlugin.fmx in there, just in case.)
No, the plugin does not show up in the Preferences pane.

So now I testet the original files from the server and everything is still ok for me. I even made an OS update (10.5.4) to see wether any problems come with this new version of OS X. Nothing. My FM Version is the same as yours (9v3).

Could you send me the plugin logfile
<local>/Library/Application Support/FM-Plugin-Tools/fm-plugin-tools.log?

Lets see wether we can find any clue there.

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