Do you need this for Mac or Win?
This is not a hard job, but I need the 64-bit version of Lispworks Software which I don't have yet.
Maybe I can ask someone to help me but first I need to know wether your fm server is on win or mac?
Regards Jens
Am 18.07.14 16:01, schrieb Jérémie Poux:
Dear Dr. Jensteich
I am writting you because i am using your filemaker exif plugin with success since 1 year to get exif infos from the pictures. It’s a Photodatabase for the association that i work for.
This association does information and publication about territory amenagement (from the environemental angle). Today i installed the new filemaker13 server and will not have time to implemente the new functionallies of metadata reading since a long time. Since Filemaker server 13 need 64 bits plugin. My question is (without to know if it’s an hard job) will you make a 64 bits version of you very usefull plugin ?
I hope you understand my english.
Salutation, and really thank you for this usefull plugin.
Jérémie Poux
Jérémie Poux Association Suisse pour l'aménagement national
Schweizerische Vereinigung für Landesplanung VLP-ASPAN
Sulgenrain 20
CH-3007 Berne
Tél. +41 31 380 76 79/76
Fax +41 31 380 76 77
jeremie.poux@vlp-aspan.ch mailto:jeremie.poux@vlp-aspan.ch%0d__
www.vlp-aspan.ch http://www.vlp-aspan.ch/__
Je travaille à temps partiel, les mardis, jeudis et vendredis.
Vous pouvez adresser vos messages d’ordre général à notre adresse centrale :info@vlp-aspan.ch mailto:jeremie.poux@vlp-aspan.ch__
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