Hello, im just starting to look at this very interesting tool, and
trying some simple cases to get going.
First issue is how to control tuplets.
Fex, how can i make fomus "simplify" a 5/8 measure with 6 sixtuplets
as one group of six notes with a "6:5" (or "6") subdivision mark,
instead of a sequence of tied trioles?
:output '(:data (:lilypond :view t))
:global (list (make-timesig :off 0 :time '(5 8) :beat 1/8))
:parts (list (make-part
:instr :flute
:events (loop repeat 6
for off from 0 by 5/6
(make-note :off off :note 60 :dur 5/6)))))
Ive tried fiddling with various settings, :default-tuplet-divs and
:default-tuplets, :auto-quantize and such without luck.