This update should help--it should respell the accidentals w/ the correct diatonic interval now if it's a transposing part (so e-natural for the bass-clarinet should become f#, etc.) Note spelling + spanners, wedges etc. should be much more flexible now--you don't have to supply accidentals anymore if auto-accidentals = nil and fomus tries to do the right thing when :endwedge< or :startwedge<, etc. is missing
Kilian Sprotte wrote:
I am quite in a hurry, sorry for being a little silent - the new doc design is pretty nice!!
I encountered a presumably small transposing problem, when I use :auto-accidentals nil.
This one causes an error: (fomus:fomus-init :backend '(:lilypond :view t) :use-cm t :auto- accidentals nil :transpose t) (fomus:fomus-newpart :bass-clarinet :instr :bass-clarinet :name "bass- clarinet") (fomus:fomus-newnote :bass-clarinet :off 0 :dur 1 :note '(e4 n) :marks nil) (fomus:fomus-exec)
This one is fine: (fomus:fomus-init :backend '(:lilypond :view t) :use-cm t :auto- accidentals t :transpose t) (fomus:fomus-newpart :bass-clarinet :instr :bass-clarinet :name "bass- clarinet") (fomus:fomus-newnote :bass-clarinet :off 0 :dur 1 :note 64 :marks nil) (fomus:fomus-exec)
A bientôt,
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