Hi all...
I was looking around to see if there was a more appropriate place to post a questions / problem. If this is the wrong list, I apologize and would appreciate a re-direct. If not, here is the problem I am having.
Here is a sample head of a .ly file...
% LilyPond score file % FOMUS v0.1.66
\version "2.6" octUp = #(set-octavation 1) octReset = #(set-octavation 0) octDown = #(set-octavation -1) markAccIn = \once \override TextScript #'script-priority = #-100 beamL = #(def-music-function (par loc num) (number?) #{\set stemLeftBeamCount = #$num #}) beamR = #(def-music-function (par loc num) (number?) #{\set stemRightBeamCount = #$num #}) beamLR = #(def-music-function (par loc numl numr) (number? number?) # {\set stemLeftBeamCount = #$numl \set stemRightBeamCount = #$numr #}) textSpan = #(def-music-function (par loc dir str) (number? string?) # {\override TextSpanner #'direction = #$dir \override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #(cons $str "") #}) noteHead = #(def-music-function (par loc sty) (symbol?) #{\once \override NoteHead #'style = #$sty #})
In LilyPond, I get an error:
Parsing...ERROR: Unbound variable: def-music-function
I am starting out with both LilyPond and FOMUS... any suggestions on how to get rid of the error, or solve it either on the FOMUS or LilyPond side?
Second, is there a variable on the lisp side to change the LilyPond version number? FOMUS can't detect my OSX .app version (2.8)... I'm hand changing it for now, and that seems to be fine, but it would be nice if this is something I can change in the .fomus file.
Also, for simple tests, I can delete the beamL (etc.) definitions and the code will compile, but once those vars are used in the .ly file, there are (of course) problems.
Thanks for any help.
OS X 10.4.6 MacBook, SBCL 0.9.12
****************************************** Joshua Parmenter joshp@u.washington.edu Post-Doctoral Research Associate - Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media Raitt Hall - University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195
http://www.dxarts.washington.edu http://www.realizedsound.net/josh/