fomus has experimental support for a second enharmonic spelling algorithm that basically tries do the same as the first, but is powered by a different solver -- in this case: adaptive search (fomus/ads.lisp)
This is the form I used for testing:
(fomus :output '( (:data)) :verbose 1 :quartertones nil :ensemble-type :orchestra :auto-accs-mod :nokey2 :global (list (make-timesig :off 0 :time '(5 8) :div '(3/2 1))) :parts (list (make-part :name "Piano" :instr '(:piano :simultlim 1) :events (loop with x = 0 for off from 0 to 10 by 1/2 collect (make-note :off off :dur (if (< off 10) 1/2 1) :note (+ 48 (random 25)))))))
Cheers, Kilian
PS: David, could you replace
http://common-lisp.net/project/fomus/index.html by http://common-lisp.net/project/fomus/ksindex.html
if you like my change ? (or maybe put that link somewhere else?)