re: bars 2, 3 and four in part two of the below example what do i have to do to have 6 tuplet quavers rather than the way it is now with 5 tuplet quavers and then the subsequent and previous durations being drawn in to one big tuplet? (it will make sense when you look at it :)
also, part 1 :name "soprano" :abbrev "sop." : isn't causing the text soprano and sop. to be written to the output file?
(init :output ((:musicxml-finale :filename "test.xml")(:lilypond :view t))); init :filename "test"; (init :title "test" :composer "rob canning"); TIMESIG :OFF 0 :TIME (4 4) :COMP NIL; init :verbose 2; init :max-tuplet 11; part 1 :name "soprano" :abbrev "sop." :instr :soprano; part 2 :name "trombone" :abbrev "trbn." :instr :bass; init :auto-accidentals NIL; (note 1 :off 0 :dur 0.5 :notes (77) :marks (:ignore :ignore)); (note 2 :off 0 :dur 0.333333 :notes (63) :marks (:staccato :F (:textnote"(3 1)"))); (note 2 :off 0.333333 :dur 0.333333 :notes (63) :marks (:staccato :F :ignore)); (rest 1 :off 0.5 :dur 0.5 :voice NIL); (note 1 :off 1 :dur 1 :notes (73) :marks (:ignore :ignore)); (note 2 :off 0.666667 :dur 0.833333 :notes (63) :marks (:staccato :F :ignore)); (note 1 :off 2 :dur 1 :notes (73) :marks (:ignore :ignore)); (note 2 :off 1.5 :dur 0.25 :notes (58) :marks (:staccato :F (:textnote"(4 3)"))); (note 1 :off 3 :dur 1 :notes (74) :marks (:ignore :ignore)); (note 1 :off 4 :dur 2 :notes (76) :marks (:ignore :ignore)); (note 2 :off 1.75 :dur 0.25 :notes (58) :marks (:staccato :F :ignore)) ; (note 2 :off 2 :dur 0.25 :notes (58) :marks (:staccato :F :ignore)) ; (note 1 :off 6 :dur 0.5 :notes (77) :marks (:ignore :ignore)); (note 2 :off 2.25 :dur 2.25 :notes (58) :marks (:staccato :F :ignore)) ; (note 2 :off 4.5 :dur 0.166667 :notes (55) :marks (:portato :F (:textnote"(6 4)"))); (rest 1 :off 6.5 :dur 1 :voice NIL); (note 2 :off 4.66667 :dur 0.166667 :notes (55) :marks (:portato :F :ignore)); (note 2 :off 4.83333 :dur 0.166667 :notes (55) :marks (:portato :F :ignore)); (note 1 :off 7.5 :dur 1 :notes (74) :marks (:ignore :ignore)); (note 2 :off 5 :dur 0.166667 :notes (55) :marks (:portato :F :ignore)) ; (note 1 :off 8.5 :dur 2 :notes (76) :marks (:ignore :ignore)); (note 2 :off 5.16667 :dur 0.166667 :notes (55) :marks (:portato :F :ignore)); (note 2 :off 5.33333 :dur 3.16667 :notes (55) :marks (:portato :F :ignore)) ; (note 1 :off 10.5 :dur 0.5 :notes (77) :marks (:ignore :ignore)); (note 2 :off 8.5 :dur 0.166667 :notes (45) :marks (:portato :F (:textnote"(6 6)"))); (note 2 :off 8.66667 :dur 0.166667 :notes (45) :marks (:portato :F :ignore)); (note 2 :off 8.83333 :dur 0.166667 :notes (45) :marks (:portato :F :ignore)); (rest 1 :off 11 :dur 1 :voice NIL); (note 2 :off 9 :dur 0.166667 :notes (45) :marks (:portato :F :ignore)) ; (note 2 :off 9.16667 :dur 0.166667 :notes (45) :marks (:portato :F :ignore)); (note 1 :off 12 :dur 1 :notes (74) :marks (:ignore :ignore)); (note 2 :off 9.33333 :dur 5.16667 :notes (45) :marks (:portato :F :ignore)) ; (note 1 :off 13 :dur 1 :notes (73) :marks (:ignore :ignore)); (note 2 :off 14.5 :dur 0.166667 :notes (45) :marks (:portato :F (:textnote"(6 6)"))); (note 1 :off 14 :dur 1 :notes (73) :marks (:ignore :ignore)); (note 2 :off 14.6667 :dur 0.166667 :notes (45) :marks (:portato :F :ignore)); (note 2 :off 14.8333 :dur 0.166667 :notes (45) :marks (:portato :F :ignore)); (note 2 :off 15 :dur 0.166667 :notes (45) :marks (:portato :F :ignore)) ; (note 2 :off 15.1667 :dur 0.166667 :notes (45) :marks (:portato :F :ignore)); (note 2 :off 15.3333 :dur 5.16667 :notes (45) :marks (:portato :F :ignore)) ;
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