Thank you for your attachments. I'll have some time to look at the tuplet bug in the next few days...
There's a slot in the timesig class called "div" where you can specify possible measure subdivisions (as number of beats in each subdivision). For example: (make-timesig :off 0 :time '(5 8) :div '(1 3/2)) or (make-timesig :off 0 :time '(5 4) :div '(3 2)) or (make-timesig :off 0 :time '(5 8) :div '((3/2 1) (1 3/2))). Looking at the '(5 4) example just now I see that I need to fix the beaming algorithm so that it shows the 3 + 2 division properly (another addition to the bug list).
There are also two settings, :default-meas-divs and :default-tuplet-divs which are lookup tables containing default divisions (you can override fomus's defaults with these), but they don't give you direct control. Let me know if you have any additional ideas for controlling subdivisions/tuplets--I'm open to anything that will make the program more flexible.
I'm looking forward to seeing it work with PWGL/ENP--thank you so much for your help.
Mika Kuuskankare wrote:
FOMUS should run in LispWorks now (I tested on Max OS X and will try Windows & Linux soon).
Thanks for your work on LispWorks. It looks promising!
I already did an exporter that converts ENP -> FOMUS -> LILYPOND. I enclosed some test runs showing the output of the exporter . .eps files show the original ENP score .pdf shows the lilypond output .dbg is fomus dbg file, and .err is a possible error message generated by FOMUS
BTW, I set :AUTO-QUANTIZE to NIL, because I wanted to use exact ratios but this produced some difficulties with nested tuplets (see for example fomus152).
Is there a possibility to help the quantizer/rhythm interpreter in case of tuplets and beat divisions, e.g., to indicate beat/subbeat boundaries?
Anyway, I am quite excited about FOMUS.
Best regards,
Mika Kuuskankare Researcher Department of Doctoral Studies in Musical Performance and Research Sibelius Academy
Henkilökohtainen postiosoite/Personal post address PL 342 - PO Box 342 FIN-00121 Helsinki, FINLAND Tel: +358 (0)40 5415 233 Skype: mkuuskan