I followed your instructions and added the minimum size I have tried all kinds of values for my controls but what seems to be happening is when the control is initialized it is one size and after I add the first word it is another size but after I add the third word it doesn't get any bigger. What I want is it to start out at the right size and thus not cut off what I add. If you want to see what I mean run the following program and add the fruits in this order
Apple Orange Pine Apple
Thanks and the following sizes are after trying everything from 200 by 150 to 400 by 300 for the dialog and all kinds of sizes so it might not be the best look but I am just trying to get it to work then I can pretty it up
(in-package #:graphic-forms.uitoolkit.tests)
(defclass fruit-events (gfw:event-dispatcher) ())
(defmethod gfw:event-close ((disp fruit-events) (dlg gfw:dialog)) (call-next-method) (let ((ownerp (gfw:owner dlg))) (gfs:dispose dlg) (unless ownerp (gfw:shutdown 0))))
(defun move-txt-content (txt lb) (gfw:append-item lb (truncate-text (gfw:text txt )) nil nil) (setf (gfw:text txt) "") (gfw:give-focus txt))
(defun remove-item ( lb txt ) (gfw:delete-selection lb) (gfw:give-focus txt)) ;
(defun fruit-dlg (title style parent) (let* ((dlg (make-instance 'gfw:dialog :owner parent :dispatcher (make-instance 'fruit-events) :layout (make-instance 'gfw:flow-layout :margins 8 :spacing 8 :style '(:vertical)) :style style :text title)) (edit-disp (make-instance 'edit-control-events)) (top-panel (make-instance 'gfw:panel :layout (make-instance 'gfw:flow-layout :spacing 4 :style '(:vertical)) :parent dlg)) (inner-panel (make-instance 'gfw:panel :layout (make-instance 'gfw:flow-layout :spacing 4 :style '(:horizontal)) :parent dlg)) (fruit-label (make-instance 'gfw:label :text "Fruit:" :parent inner-panel)) (fruit-edit (make-instance 'gfw:edit :text "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" :parent inner-panel)) (fruit-list (make-instance 'gfw:list-box ; :callback (fruit-list-callback) :parent top-panel)) (btn-panel (make-instance 'gfw:panel :layout (make-instance 'gfw:flow-layout :spacing 4 :style '(:horizontal :normalize)) :parent dlg)) (btn-add-callback (lambda (disp btn) (declare (ignore disp btn)) (move-txt-content fruit-edit fruit-list ))) (btn-add (make-instance 'gfw:button :callback btn-add-callback :style '(:default-button) :text "Add" :parent btn-panel)) (btn-remove-callback (lambda (disp btn) (declare (ignore disp btn)) (remove-item fruit-list fruit-edit))) (btn-remove (make-instance 'gfw:button :callback btn-remove-callback :style '(:default-button) :text "Remove" :parent btn-panel)) (btn-exit (make-instance 'gfw:button :callback (lambda (disp btn) (declare (ignore disp btn)) (let ((ownerp (gfw:owner dlg))) (gfs:dispose dlg) (unless ownerp (gfw:shutdown 0)))) :style '(:cancel-button) :text "Exit" :parent btn-panel)))
(declare (ignore fruit-label btn-add btn-remove btn-exit)) (setf (gfw:minimum-size fruit-list) (gfs:make-size :width 300 :height 77)) (setf (gfw:minimum-size dlg) (gfs:make-size :width 400 :height 300 )) (setf (gfw:minimum-size fruit-label) (gfs:make-size :width 50 :height 23)) (setf (gfw:minimum-size fruit-edit) (gfs:make-size :width 120 :height 23)) (setf (gfw:minimum-size fruit-list) (gfs:make-size :width 300 :height 77))
(gfw:pack dlg)
(setf (gfw:text fruit-edit) "") (gfw:show dlg t) dlg))
(defun fruit-basket-main () (fruit-dlg "Lisp Fruit basket demo" '(:appli) nil) )
(defun fruitbasket () (gfw:startup "Window/Dialog Tester" #'fruit-basket-main))