Hi Jack,
Quoting Jack Unrue (jdunrue@gmail.com):
I suspect your current working directory is not the top of the graphic-forms directory when you go to load the system, which is mentioned as step 3 in the How To Configure and Build section of the readme.
I have not followed graphic-forms changes in the last year, and when I tried building it with clbuild the last time it worked well, but in general the whole procedure described in "How To Configure and Build" is a little bit unusual.
IIRC when adding graphic forms to clbuild I just ignored all that was written there; the only trick is to set up .asd file symlinks for src/external-libraries/*/*/*.asd
While that is easy enough, I think most users will be confused by extra instructions (config.lisp, gfsys::configure-asdf) that are not strictly necessary and not familiar from other projects.
Having to special-case graphic-forms in build scripts that would otherwise expect to just symlink graphic-forms/*.asd is also slightly inconvenient. I would suggest either moving those extra .asd files into the top-level graphic-forms directory or to move those external-library directories into separate installations.
Finally, I seem to recall various configuration variables for absolute paths that could have been computed automatically using (slot-value (asdf:find-system :graphic-forms) 'asdf::relative-pathname) in the appropriate places.
Thanks, d.