Here is something similar to what I suggested, although still very unfinished. It's probably not the proper way to write a macro, but I guess other people on the list will know how to do it correctly. Efficient linearization can be added in the same manner; also, the macro should be modified s.t. it accepts several array specifications at once, i.e. with-foreign-array ((array-1 :double) (array-2 :int) (array-3 :double) ...), etc.
Of course, if you can figure out a way to incorporate the optimizations into gref without such a clumsy workaround, I'd be all for it.
best regards,
(defun mapcons (fn x)
(if (atom x)
(funcall fn (let ((a (mapcons fn (car x)))
(d (mapcons fn (cdr x))))
(if (and (eql a (car x)) (eql d (cdr x)))
(cons a d))))))
(defmacro with-fast-access-to-single-foreign-array ((array element-type) &body body)
(alexandria:with-unique-names (array-fptr)
`(let ((,array-fptr (grid::foreign-pointer ,array)))
(lambda (expr)
(if (and (consp expr)
(eq (first expr) 'grid:gref*)
(eq (second expr) array))
(list 'cffi:mem-aref array-fptr element-type (elt expr 2))
expr)) body))))
(defun macro-force-function (dim)
"Given an integer dim, this constructs a function that, when supplied with a
N-dimensional vector Z and some output vector (-> pointer?), yields the
corresponding forces"
(declare (fixnum dim))
(let ((temp-values (make-array 2 :element-type 'double-float :initial-element 0.0d0)))
(lambda (zvector output)
(with-fast-access-to-single-foreign-array (output :double)
(with-fast-access-to-single-foreign-array (zvector :double)
(do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i dim)) (declare (fixnum i))
(setf (aref temp-values 0) 0.0d0)
(do ((m 0 (1+ m))) ((> m i)) (declare (fixnum m))
(do ((n i (1+ n))) ((= n dim)) (declare (fixnum n))
(setf (aref temp-values 1) 0.0d0)
(do ((k m (1+ k))) ((> k n)) (declare (fixnum k))
(incf (aref temp-values 1) (grid:gref* zvector k)))
(incf (aref temp-values 0) (expt (aref temp-values 1) -2))))
(setf (grid:gref* output i)
(- (grid:gref* zvector i)
(aref temp-values 0)))))))))