Hey guys, As discussed on #lisp with LiamH, I have pushed a branch containing some preliminary stuff to get GSL's FFTs working. Unsurprisingly, the branch is called fast-fourier-transform, and should actually be easily merged with master without causing things to break. I just thought to make a branch out of it in case I totally, completely and utterly break stuff, since these are my first contributions to GSLL and my first non-trivial experience with git. What is implemented: All complex FFT (double and single floats) are implemented. What works/is tested: radix 2 and mixed radix stuff is working and tested with the examples in the manual. I will push the examples translated to lisp as well when I clean it up. What isn't tested: The decimation-in-frequency functions are implemented, but I have no idea what they are supposed to do. Over the next days, I will be implementing the real transforms as well, test all the functions with respect to their C counterparts and finally make some nicer wrapper functions around them (unless people are radically opposed to that). Thanks, Sumant Oemrawsingh (Sikander on #lisp)