I tried to check this on my OS X Mavericks system with CCL but I am getting readtable errors. Just to make sure this is what I did. I git cloned both antik and gsll to my local-projects directory from https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/groups/antik If I git log I see the commit of antik is:63fa8e0a0c04090... and for gsll it is: ad5409ec81f4af... When I try either (ql:quickload :antik) or (ql:quickload :gsll) i get errors like: Reader error on #<BASIC-FILE-CHARACTER-INPUT-STREAM ("/Users/mcheema/quicklisp/local-projects/antik/tests/physical-quantities-grid.lisp"/4 UTF-8) #x3020023E839D>, near position 2047, within "m)) #(1.0d0 5.0d": Undefined character #\( in a #\# dispatch macro. Reader error on #<BASIC-FILE-CHARACTER-INPUT-STREAM ("/Users/mcheema/quicklisp/local-projects/gsll/polynomial.lisp"/4 UTF-8) #x3020024DCCBD>, near position 1730, within "t x.\") #+fsbv (defm": Undefined character #\+ in a #\# dispatch macro. I see there was a commit relating to a named-readtable recently and maybe that is causing the problem or I am just not doing this correctly. -- Kind Regards Munawar