This email is related to recent releases of GSL and (not GSLL):

GSL 2.0 and 2.1 have been released (see and

2.0  is now distributed by msys2 on Windows.

2.0 brought new functionality, changes to the interface and some new bugs.

As far as I know gsll has not been updated yet (and that is not a critique).

2.0 compiles on Windows on CCL and SBCL with the exception of two issues:
- solve-minimize-fit\solver-struct__grovel.c
- There is no class named GSLL::BASIS-SPLINE.

I am not sure if these errors are related to the bugs discussed in this email thread:

On SBCL 1.30 the test summary is:

Unit Test Summary
 | 3722 assertions total
 | 3658 passed
 | 64 failed
 | 19 execution errors
 | 0 missing tests

#<TEST-RESULTS-DB Total(3722) Passed(3658) Failed(64) Errors(19)>

All execution errors have to do with exception_access_violation.
