OK, I've fixed this by defining 'dpi as the double-float version of pi. There were quite a number of places where pi was assumed to be double-float, so this should work better overall for CLISP. As for coercing, there has been a request for general coercing to double float (or whatever GSL requires for a particular function). I somewhat agree with this and somewhat disagree, but it is a low priority. In the meantime, things have actually got a bit worse as far as arrays are concerned; with foreign arrays built-in to GSLL, there was an auto-coerce on defining initial values; since they are now in GSD (foreign-array), that has for the time being gone away. Liam On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 4:58 PM, Sam Steingold <sds@gnu.org> wrote:
PI has type long-float, not double-float, so the following patch is necessary: ========================================================= diff --git a/calculus/monte-carlo.lisp b/calculus/monte-carlo.lisp index cb18bb1..32bae65 100644 --- a/calculus/monte-carlo.lisp +++ b/calculus/monte-carlo.lisp @@ -211,7 +211,8 @@ (defparameter *mc-lower* #m(0.0d0 0.0d0 0.0d0))
(defparameter *mc-upper* - (grid:make-foreign-array 'double-float :initial-contents (list pi pi pi))) + (grid:make-foreign-array 'double-float :initial-contents + (list #1=#.(float pi 0d0) #1# #1#)))
(defun random-walk-plain-example (&optional (nsamples 500000)) (monte-carlo-integrate-plain 'mcrw *mc-lower* *mc-upper* nsamples)) ========================================================= alternatively, you may need to call COERCE in grid:make-foreign-array or something.
-- Sam Steingold <http://sds.podval.org>