Hello! Just cloned git repository. In both SBCL 1.0.23 and ClozureCL 1.2-r11583M on Linux PPC, with GSL 1.9-3: CL-USER> (gsll:invert-matrix #m((1 0 2) (-1 3 1) (1 1 0))) #<MATRIX-DOUBLE-FLOAT #2A((0.11111111111111116D0 -0.2222222222222222D0 0.6666666666666666D0) (-0.11111111111111109D0 0.22222222222222224D0 0.3333333333333333D0) (0.4444444444444444D0 0.1111111111111111D0 -0.3333333333333333D0))> CL-USER> (gsll:matrix-product * #m(3 2 1)) #<VECTOR-DOUBLE-FLOAT #(0.5555555555555557D0 0.44444444444444453D0 1.222222222222222D0)> CL-USER> (gsll:inverse-matrix-product #m((1 0 2) (-1 3 1) (1 1 0)) #m(3 2 1)) #<VECTOR-DOUBLE-FLOAT #(1D+-0 #| not-a-number |# -1D++0 1D++0)> Do I misunderstand something? Sincerely yours, Dmitri PS and to add insult to injury ;) nonsymmetric-generalized.lisp fails to compile, complaining about invalid function call: ("gsl_eigen_gen" "gsl_eigen_gen_QZ")