I have added a method for lisp-unit:numerical-equal on marrays. I changed only the vector-add test to take advantage of the ability to now compare marrays directly, to make sure it works. It actually is a fair amount of work to rewrite the tests, so I'll probably do this gradually. Thank you Malcolm and Tom for your contributions. P.S. Further thoughts on the efficiency of fobbing the comparison off to CL behind the method: If element values were extracted using the GSL interface (like gsl_vector_get) then copying could be avoided. However, with native arrays (for SBCL), it seemed simplest to always access elements on the CL side, and just make sure they were synchronized if on a non-native implementation. It's possible that it would be faster to use the C values but since you have to read all the elements anyway to do a comparison, I don't think it would gain that much. In any case, it would be handy to have an iterate over marray elements, another thing on my to-do list. Liam