
I am using the excellent gsll package (in the first instance), to provide an interface to quadpack for the mathematics system FriCAS.  I'm slowly going through calculus/numerical-integration.lisp one function at a time and writing each one into FriCAS as I go.  This means writing functions in FriCAS's own language SPAD which interface with gsll.

This is made harder by me being a lisp newbie.

However, I've come to integration-QAGP, and I've tried to run the test command (having first defined the function it calls).  However, all I get is errors.

I'm using SBCL in emacs-slime, and I have installed gsll with quicklisp, so that I can call an integration routine with

* (gsll:integration-qng (lambda (x) (exp (- (* x x)))) 0.0 1.0)

But the commands

* (defun integration-test-f454 (x)
  (* (expt x 3) (* (log (abs (* (- (expt x 2) 1.0d0) (- (expt x 2) 2.0d0)))))))

* (gsll:integration-QAGp
  (grid:copy-to (vector 0.0d0 1.0d0 (sqrt 2.0d0) 3.0d0))
  0.0d0 1.0d-3 1000)

just produces a long list of errors. Is "grid" a standard library, or does it need to be loaded first?  (Told you I was a newbie...)

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