Hello, I notice that #m has two problems: 1. If (setf *print-case* :downcase), things like #m(1 2 3) fail. Here's the sldb buffer in slime: ---------------- Class named gsll::|vector-double-float| not found. [Condition of type simple-error] Restarts: 0: [continue] Try finding the class again 1: [retry] Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request. 2: [abort] Return to SLIME's top level. 3: [abort-break] Reset this thread 4: [abort] Kill this thread Backtrace: 0: (find-class gsll::|vector-double-float| t nil) Locals: ccl::name = gsll::|vector-double-float| ccl::errorp = t ccl::environment = nil ccl::cell = nil 1: (#<standard-method make-instance (symbol)> gsll::|vector-double-float| :initial-contents (1 2 3)) Locals: class = gsll::|vector-double-float| ccl::initargs = (:initial-contents (1 2 3)) ---------------- 2. #m (1 2 3) fails too Other reader macros does not err when there's a space follows it, for example: - ' (1 2 3) - # (1 2 3) This is a bit inconvenient because paredit.el automatically inserts a space behind m. Can these be fixed? Thanks. Leo -- H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S!