On 2010-07-21 14:10 +0100, Liam Healy wrote:
TOTAL: 3989 assertions passed, 31 failed, 0 execution errorsĀ¹ "Version 1.6-dev-r13994M-trunk Ā (DarwinX8664)"
eh? The "not an ivector subtype" errors should be gone now. Are you sure you pulled the latest GSD, wiped out fasls, and recompiled? 4639d0cb should have taken care of this. If you have, then please do (lisp-unit:use-debugger) (lisp-unit:run-tests absolute-sum) (:b) and post the results.
I just realised in my previous post, the paste contained two test outputs. The second one is more recent and doesn't contain the ivector failure. I have re-run the test-suite to get TOTAL: 3985 assertions passed, 31 failed, 0 execution errors. with the detailed output in http://paste.pocoo.org/show/239999/. A few of the failures have wide gap between expected and saw results. Best wishes, Leo