Hi, status.text still needs updating: CLISP 2.49 on x86_64 (64-bit build): TOTAL: 1350 assertions passed, 21 failed, 13 execution errors. I don't know what "execution errors" are (probably things like FUNCALL: undefined function NIL which I don't know how to reproduce), but I would appreciate bug reports. Some assertion errors should probably not be there: Expected (0.9999999999999997d0 2.0d0 30.0d0) but saw (0.9999999999999999d0 2.0d0 30.0d0) (also, it would be nice to align the expected and actual output). thanks. Sam. On 8/19/09, Sam Steingold <sds@gnu.org> wrote:
http://common-lisp.net/project/gsll/status.text says:
64-bit CLISP: not tested; bug in CLISP causes crash on loading
I do not have this problem with 64-bit clisp: TOTAL: 1345 assertions passed, 26 failed, 13 execution errors. (BTW, how do I debug those 13 errors? i.e., how do I list them, rerun them, see the code which triggered them?)
also, status.text says
CHEBYSHEV: Should have signalled TYPE-ERROR but saw #<SIMPLE-ERROR #x20EB4F1E>
- how do I reproduce that?
FFI::FOREIGN-CALL-OUT: 3.1415926535897932385L0 cannot be converted to the foreign type DOUBLE-FLOAT
- pi is a long float, you have to convert it to a double explicitly, like (float pi 0d0).
-- Sam Steingold <http://sds.podval.org>