On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 6:40 AM, N J <raphexion@gmail.com> wrote:
I have a suggestion that might be obvious for all experts but nonetheless a little help for newbies like myself. Especially since gsll might be the first lisp package they (like me) want to try out.
In the example section in the web page, would it be possible to add a small "getting started". Maybe it can be combined with the first example. For example.
stuff deleted... Good idea. Here is another one that would be useful even for the pros. A gsll-probe, that would probe the system to make sure that gsll is loadable. The main thing that comes to mind, and that can look scary to a newbie is if the gsl libraries are not loadable. Along those lines, I was wandering if the gsll setup would be easier if the user were required to set-up a feature *gsll-user* (or some other such name. This symbol would have in its plist the gsl library location. Mirko