On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 8:28 AM, Zhang Mian <mzhang@shao.ac.cn> wrote:
Finally I resolved it. This is what i did: (1) installed all components of ASDF libs (2) libgsl-unix.lisp which is in /gsll/init is revised "#+darwin (cc-flags "-I/your_GSL_header_.h_path " (3) init.lisp which is in /gsll/init is revised a. "(cffi:define-foreign-library libgslcblas (:darwin "(:or ""-I/your_GSL_cblas_Dynmic_lib_path" b. "(cffi:define-foreign-library libgsl (:darwin (:or "-I/your_GSL_main_Dynmic_lib_path" c. same thing did in fsbv.
Thanks for following up. I think Leo's idea for using GSL's gsl-config might help with this (except for FSBV of course).
(4) in GSL installation use : " ./configure --enable-static=yes --enable-shared=yes" (in GSL install manual, it is said "./configure --disable-shared")
I don't understand why they say to disable shared; for most people I think you want a shared library, and for CFFI it's essential.
I ran test and got " TOTAL: 1530 assertions passed, 62 failed, 10 execution errors" on my Mac OS 10.6.3 Clozure CL64 GSL-1.14.
I confess I've stopped testing on CCL because my version is really old and I haven't had time to upgrade, but when I last ran it there were more errors than SBCL. Also, I don't run OS X but a colleague does and I recall he got failed test numbers like that. The long term plan is to replace the tests with GSL's tests ported to GSLL, the priority being for those that fail on one or more of the platform/implementation combinations that people use. Then we can identify what are truly compiler and platform errors, and what are errors in GSLL.
Zhang Mian Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Nandan Road 80, 200030 Shanghai