Yikes, that's an embarrassing goof in the lisp-unit:numerical-equal method for marrays. Should be fixed now, try a fresh pull and see what happens. Thanks for the report. Liam On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:46 AM, Malcolm Reynolds <malcolm.reynolds@gmail.com> wrote:
Unless I'm mistaken I think there is a bug in the implementation currently.. this is with the latest from the lisp-unit and gsll git repositories, such that lisp-unit is at commit e7c4faa8baf9d071972a66c62671001a62f3cc1c ("Implementations of NUMERICAL-EQUAL for mixed list/vector arguments.") and gsll is at commit 64a0b6c271530b298ce97f168d03ab715fb80a39 ("Tests marrays directly"). Full log of a slime session follows:
; SLIME 2009-03-09 CL-USER> (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :gsll) ; loading system definition from ; /Users/malc/opt/lisp/asdf-registry/gsll.asd into #<PACKAGE "ASDF0"> ; registering #<SYSTEM "gsll" {12295D61}> as gsll ; loading system definition from ; /Users/malc/opt/lisp/sbcl/sbcl-inst-1.0.23-x86-darwin/lib/sbcl/site-systems/trivial-garbage.asd ; into #<PACKAGE "ASDF0"> ; registering #<SYSTEM TRIVIAL-GARBAGE {124BF099}> as TRIVIAL-GARBAGE ; registering #<SYSTEM TRIVIAL-GARBAGE-TESTS {1272DDF1}> as ; TRIVIAL-GARBAGE-TESTS ; loading system definition from ; /Users/malc/opt/lisp/sbcl/sbcl-inst-1.0.23-x86-darwin/lib/sbcl/site-systems/cffi.asd ; into #<PACKAGE "ASDF0"> ; registering #<SYSTEM CFFI {119164D1}> as CFFI ; loading system definition from ; /Users/malc/opt/lisp/sbcl/sbcl-inst-1.0.23-x86-darwin/lib/sbcl/site-systems/babel.asd ; into #<PACKAGE "ASDF0"> ; registering #<SYSTEM BABEL {11CA1489}> as BABEL ; loading system definition from ; /Users/malc/opt/lisp/sbcl/sbcl-inst-1.0.23-x86-darwin/lib/sbcl/site-systems/alexandria.asd ; into #<PACKAGE "ASDF0"> ; registering #<SYSTEM :ALEXANDRIA {1276FF09}> as ALEXANDRIA ; loading system definition from ; /Users/malc/opt/lisp/sbcl/sbcl-inst-1.0.23-x86-darwin/lib/sbcl/site-systems/trivial-features.asd ; into #<PACKAGE "ASDF0"> ; registering #<SYSTEM TRIVIAL-FEATURES {129ED569}> as TRIVIAL-FEATURES NIL CL-USER> (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :gsll-tests) ; loading system definition from ; /Users/malc/opt/lisp/asdf-registry/gsll-tests.asd into #<PACKAGE "ASDF0"> ; registering #<SYSTEM "gsll-tests" {11B966E9}> as gsll-tests ; loading system definition from ; /Users/malc/opt/lisp/asdf-registry/lisp-unit.asd into #<PACKAGE "ASDF0"> ; registering #<SYSTEM :LISP-UNIT {12484CB9}> as LISP-UNIT NIL CL-USER> (in-package :gsll) #<PACKAGE "GSLL"> GSL> (lisp-unit:assert-numerical-equal '(1 2 3) '(1 2 4)) '(1 2 4) failed: Expected (1 2 3) but saw (1 2 4) NIL GSL> (lisp-unit:assert-numerical-equal (make-marray 'double-float :initial-contents '(1 2 3)) (make-marray 'double-float :initial-contents '(1 2 4))) T
Can you guys reproduce this? I'm SBCL 1.0.23 on OS X if that makes a difference..