Tamas, If you macroexpand the letm, you will find it is (LET* ((RNG (MAKE-RANDOM-NUMBER-GENERATOR *MT19937*))) (UNWIND-PROTECT (PROGN (RNG-SET RNG 0) (LAMBDA () (BETA-RD RNG A B))) (FREE RNG))) so you can just do the MAKE-RANDOM-NUMBER-GENERATOR and RNG-SET part yourself at the start, and then FREE when you're ready to clean up. Liam On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 2:32 PM, Tamas K Papp <tpapp@princeton.edu> wrote:
I am trying to create a function that would return another function that generates draws from a beta distribution. Something like this:
(defun make-beta-generator (a b) (letm ((rng (random-number-generator *mt19937* 0))) (lambda () ;; of course this won't work, letm deallocated rng (beta-rd rng a b))))
As the comment says, this does not work. Is there a way to prevent letm from deallocating rng (or achieve the effect I want by some other means)?