Just checking: Does this (loading fsbv's only pkgdlc.lisp & convert.lisp) mean that foreign arrays are unavailable to grid (and gsll)? I implemented these compilation suggestions to the latest releases of fsbv and gsd, on clisp and cygwin and foreign arrays don't work: (grid:map-grid :source #'(lambda (i j) (+ i j)) :destination-specification '((foreign-array 2 2) double-float)) while natives do: (grid:map-grid :source #'(lambda (i j) (+ i j)) :destination-specification '((array 2 2) double-float)) I ask because today I tried to revive gsll on cygwin 1.7 after a long break. I had compilation errors related to foreign-arrays and complex-float-c. I am not in a rush to compile gsll on cygwin/clisp since I do have it going nicely on sbcl. I can wait for the reimplementation of fsbv that Liam was talking about. Mirko On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Liam Healy <lhealy@common-lisp.net> wrote:
... stuff deleted
I hope the explanation is clear. To answer your specific question: I've pushed a new version of FSBV; in that version, you only have to load pkgdcl.lisp and convert.lisp, and you won't need libffi. Sorry for the awkward state; for the time being FSBV is mandatory, but I'm hoping that goes away in the not-too-distant future. I didn't make a separate branch because it does work as-is, and I figured most people were getting these systems via quicklisp, which already installs the entire FSBV.
On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Sumant Oemrawsingh <soemraws@xs4all.nl> wrote:
Hi Liam,
Recently, I tried getting foreign-array working on windows (with sbcl). I noticed that foreign-array uses fsbv (apparently) and fsbv uses libffi. I haven't dug around in the code yet, but I was wondering if you have a quick explanation why libffi is used, and why cffi is not sufficient. The reason I ask is because I'm wondering if it would be possible to hack it under windows so it doesn't need libffi (which apparently is quite difficult to get working there).
Thanks, Sumant
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