The following two examples from grid:map.lisp produce an error on clisp/cygwin

;;; Extract the diagonal, inject into a vector of length 6, with the
;;; first three elements set to a default value
(map-grid :source *array-3-4-double-float*
      :source-affi (affi:diagonal (affi *array-3-4-double-float*))
      :destination-affi (affi:make-affi '(6) 3)
      :default-value -77.7d0)

;;; Extract the diagonal, inject at index 3 into a vector of length 6,
;;; adding to the vector elements
(map-grid :source *array-3-4-double-float*
      :source-affi (affi:diagonal (affi *array-3-4-double-float*))
      :destination-affi (affi:make-affi '(6) 3)
      :default-value -77.7d0
      :combination-function '+)

The reported error is:

ROW-MAJOR-AREF: index NIL for #2A((#1=0.0d0 1.0d0 2.0d0 3.0d0)
    (10.0d0 11.0d0 12.0d0 13.0d0)
    (20.0d0 21.0d0 22.0d0 23.0d0)) is not of type `(INTEGER 0 (,ARRAY-DIMENSION-LIMIT))
   [Condition of type SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR]

I can make it work by using the destination-affi (make-affi '(3)), but not (make-affi '(4)) or larger.
