
I am trying to solve a second order ODE by calling a stepper for a number of fixed-size steps.  I am getting an error about conversion to foreign type c-pointer. 

I modeled my call to `apply-step' based on `apply-evolution'.  Looking at the source files, that is likely not to work because `apply-evolution' uses c-pointers, and `apply-step' makes direct variable references.  But I don't know how to deal with those - my C and CFFI knowledge are non-existent.

Anyway, here is a sample code that I hope someone can improve:

;;;; Example of a simple time-stepper
(defun sin-ode (time y z)
  "Define ODE for a sinusoid


or as a system:


with initial conditions:

z0=1 "
  (declare (ignore time))
  (values z (- y)))

(defun sin-ode-jacobian (time y z)
  (declare (ignore time y z))
  (values 0d0  0d0
      0d0  1d0
      -1d0 0d0))
(let  ((time 0d0)
       (delta-t 0.1d0)
       (stepper-type +step-rk2+))
    (let ((stepper (make-ode-stepper stepper-type 2 #'sin-ode #'sin-ode-jacobian))
      (dep (make-marray 'double-float :dimensions 2))
      (dydt-in (make-marray 'double-float :dimensions 2))
      (dydt-out (make-marray 'double-float :dimensions 2))
      (yerr (make-marray 'double-float :dimensions 2)))
      (setf (maref dep 0) 0d0
        (maref dep 1) 1d0)
      (dotimes (i 10)
    (incf time delta-t)
    (apply-step stepper time dep delta-t yerr dydt-in dydt-out))))


BTW, once this is working, I will submit it as a patch to the ode-examples.lisp file

