[GSLL-devel] CFFI release 0.11.0

CFFI 0.11.0 was released last week. This includes cffi-libffi, which makes FSBV obsolete. The new versions of Antik and GSLL now use cffi-libffi instead of FSBV. For most users of these systems, this is an internal detail and unimportant. However, for the past 6 months at least, I have been using and updating these versions and not the FSBV version. So, with these branches merged into the master branch, a number of patches and fixes have made there way into the master branch. I expect in the March update to quicklisp, all these changes will be in the new dist. Waiting for CFFI to be finalized blocked a number of projects. One is to split up Antik into different systems instead of making one system that loads everything (grid, physical quantities, etc.). Another is dataflow definitions (and coordination with org-mode) that I am just starting on. In GSLL, I've started to look at the definition of physical constants. I don't know when I'll have time to work on these or when they'll be complete, but I'll update when I have something. Liam
participants (1)
Liam Healy