[Gsll-devel] DEFCVAR error

Hi, I checked out GSLL using svn, registered the package and tried to load it. But I am getting errors like this: Execution of a form compiled with errors. Form: (DEFCVAR (gsl_version *GSL-VERSION* READ-ONLY T) STRING The version of the GSL library being used.) Compile-time error: (during macroexpansion of (DEFCVAR ("gsl_version" *GSL-VERSION* ...) ...)) error while parsing arguments to DEFMACRO DEFCVAR: odd number of elements in keyword/value list: ("The version of the GSL library being used.") [Condition of type SB-INT:COMPILED-PROGRAM-ERROR] When I looked up cffi:defcvar, I found that its syntax is (defcvar name type &key read-only) but the code has (cffi:defcvar ("gsl_version" *gsl-version* :read-only t) :string "The version of the GSL library being used.") I am confused, am I supposed to use a different version of CFFI? Thanks, Tamas
participants (1)
Tamas K Papp