Edi Weitz edi@agharta.de writes:
On Fri, 18 May 2007 11:24:15 -0400, Dimitre Liotev dl@znain.net wrote:
I am using the "Simple example" from your page http://weitz.de/html-template/, specifying :external-format "UTF-8" in the call to create-template-printer:
Is the string "UTF-8" a valid external format specifier on AllegroCL?
I thought so, but it seems that the format must be specified as a keyword:
CL-USER> (describe (find-if (lambda (x) (member :UTF-8 (excl:ef-nicknames x))) (EXCL:ALL-EXTERNAL-FORMATS)))
#<EXTERNAL-FORMAT :UTF8 ['(:E-CRLF :UTF8-BASE)] @ #x20116f6a> is a structure of type EXTERNAL-FORMAT. It has these slots: NAME (:E-CRLF :UTF8-BASE) NICKNAMES (:UTF8 :UTF-8) ...
I thought the string "UTF-8" would also work because when I try WITH-OPEN-FILE with an invalid external format like "UTF-9", an error is thrown, while "UTF-8" is accepted and no error is raised.
(defparameter *template-dispatcher* (hunchentoot:create-prefix-dispatcher "/template-test/" (lambda () (let* ((html-template:*string-modifier* #'identity) (rows (loop for i below 49 by 7 collect (list :cols (loop for j from i below (+ i 7) for string = (format nil "~R" j) collect (list :content string :colorful-style (oddp j)))))) (values (list :rows rows))) (with-output-to-string (html-template:*default-template-output*) (html-template:fill-and-print-template (html-template:create-template-printer #p"foo.tmpl" :external-format "UTF-8") values))))))
The condition is signalled when Hunchentoot is trying to write the page to the client. You have to make sure that Hunchentoot knows that it's supposed to output UTF-8. See the examples that come with Hunchentoot for how this can be done. (And you should also set the headers accordingly, so the browser knows what to expect.)
For the sake of those who might encounter the same problem: I added this to my handler function:
(setf (hunchentoot:reply-external-format) :UTF-8)
This will set the reply-external-format only for the given handler. To set it globaly use this:
(setf hunchentoot:*hunchentoot-default-external-format* :UTF-8)