+------------------------------------------------------------+ | CALL FOR PARTICIPATION | | 5th European Lisp Workshop | | July 7, Paphos, Cyprus - co-located with ECOOP 2008 | +------------------------------------------------------------+ The 5th European Lisp Workshop will be held on July 7, in Paphos, Cyprus, as part of this year's European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2008). The workshop will feature two keynote presentations: "Lisp for the 21st Century", by Mark Tarver, and "A detailed look at the Lisp Nature of Clojure", by Rich Hickey. We have also accepted four scientific papers about description logic systems, data parallelism for quantum simulation, interactive code generation, and a rant about make-method-lambda. Get all the programme details at http://elw2008.bknr.net/programme. Registration ************ Main registration is with ECOOP via the following page: https://cyprusconferences.org/ecoop08/form_ecoop.htm There is still room for attending the workshop, so if you want to participate, please contact me by email as well (didier@lrde.epita.fr). -- 5th European Lisp Workshop at ECOOP 2008, July 7: http://elw.bknr.net/2008/ Didier Verna, didier@lrde.epita.fr, http://www.lrde.epita.fr/~didier EPITA / LRDE, 14-16 rue Voltaire Tel.+33 (0)1 44 08 01 85 94276 Le Kremlin-BicĂȘtre, France Fax.+33 (0)1 53 14 59 22 didier@xemacs.org