I want to release 0.7.0 next Friday so please run the tests and let me
know about any failure - along with the name of the CL implementation,
OS version and CPU.
If there's anything you'd want included in the release, I'm all ears :)
Stelian Ionescu a.k.a. fe[nl]ix
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
I wrote a very simple library iolib.process, which allows you to run child
processes and interact with them through the standard IO-streams. In
to the sb-ext:run-programm and similar tools offered by implementations,
iolib.process not depend on the specific implementation, but only on
and iolib.streams. iolib.process should work on all Unix-systems, tested on
Linux with SBCL, Clozure CL and CLISP. Perhaps, after appropriate revision,
it makes sense to include this library in the iolib.
URL: http://github.com/archimag/iolib.process/
Moskvitin Andrey