1 Apr
1 Apr
11:30 a.m.
hi! seems like something was broken by one of the two patches that follow this one: 6d63d32fb7f400e93066cb37a139a43dae4721c1 "Remove useless check in MAYBE-REWIND-IOBUF." i don't know which one, because the second newest patch doesn't work on its own due to a not of type function error. the symptom is that in some cases the ajax answers in our web server doesn't arrive to the browser, the network stream seems to be closed. i suspect some bug around flushing? stuff mostly work, but there's a reproducible call site (so, it's not a heisenbug) where the answer body is lost (the headers are properly sent though). the body is written using write-sequence as a byte array. hth, -- attila