6 Jun
6 Jun
7:56 p.m.
Hi, iolib developers I'm not sure why need a (gcc-cpu-flags) function to detect a gcc compile flag (-m32/-m64) and use this to compile C files. First, use (cffi:foreign-type-size :int) to guess is wrong at least on amd64 Linux: (cffi:foreign-type-size :int) return 4 on amd64 Linux, so you guess wrong to 32-bit. Second, if you guess wrong, a 64-bit Lisp process will can not load a 32-bit library. If I disable this (gcc-cpu-flags), gcc with no -m32/-m64 can always do the right thing on both 32 and 64-bit platform, and the Lisp process can load this library. (I'm just doing this on Debian GNU/Linux amd64 and LispWorks 5.0.2 Enterprise Edition for AMD64 Linux.) Am I right? Thanks. Chun Tian (binghe)