On Fri, 2010-06-04 at 12:37 +0200, David Lichteblau wrote:
Hi there,
Quoting Andrey Moskvitin (archimag@gmail.com):
I wrote a very simple library iolib.process, which allows you to run child processes and interact with them through the standard IO-streams. In contrast to the sb-ext:run-programm and similar tools offered by implementations, iolib.process not depend on the specific implementation, but only on iolib.syscalls and iolib.streams. iolib.process should work on all Unix-systems, tested on Linux with SBCL, Clozure CL and CLISP. Perhaps, after appropriate revision, it makes sense to include this library in the iolib.
having such a library sounds like a great idea, and I like your code in the sense that it looks somewhat similar architecturally to what I did when I needed something similar in Hemlock.
Unfortunately, it would also run into the same problems as my code did:
- On MacOS, SBCL doesn't survive a call to fork() if Lisp code in being run in the child process -- something about threading going wrong after the fork.
The solution, unattractive as it may sound, is to write the code for the child process as a glue function written in C, which also implies doing the fork in C.
- I'm a bit surprised that it works with CCL out of the box for you, because I recall having to disable GC or interrupts (or something like that) to by-pass a crash there.
Perhaps writing the code in C isn't that bad an idea after all, because it also reduces this kind of portability issue.
- When using the C code approach, some flexibility would get lost. In practise, user code often needs to set up the child process environment in ways that are hard to foresee for the library author, i.e. for FD redirection, tty and session handling, environment variables etc. (and attempts to implement a general API with lots of keyword arguments for those use cases does not lead to good API design, I think).
What I would like to see is a little domain specific language that describes common syscalls and library functions (dup2, open, setenv, ...). It would then compile those calls into a byte array, and pass that to the C function. Following the fork, the C code would execute the bytecode.
- As Stelian explained, there are certain issues with SIGCHLD that make this code unportable, because CLISP works very hard to keep iolib from getting its hands on the SIGCHLD handler.
I think there are several approaches to this:
a. Ignore the problem, declare CLISP unsupported.
b. Solve the problem by clever SIGCHLD handler chaining. [snip]
Personally I would strongly prefer approaches a. or b.
Thanks for the code, Andrey. I added to iolib.os a different implementation that calls posix_spawn(3) because, as David said, it's unsafe to do the fork()-ing from Lisp code because we don't know how that might interact with the garbage collector. The implementation is currently not very complete, but for the moment you can (create-process "ls" (list "/tmp")) or (run-program "ls" (list "/tmp")) and it works As for the interactions with the implementation's run-program, I'm inclined to do something like this on every implementation: (defvar *host-run-program-replaced* nil) #+sbcl (when (not *host-run-program-replaced*) (let ((old-fn (fdefinition 'sb-ext:run-program))) (defun sb-ext:run-program (&rest args) (cerror "Continue using RUN-PROGRAM, but be warned that it will interfere with IOLIB.OS" "You're using RUN-PROGRAM while IOLIB.OS is loaded !") (apply old-fn args))) (setf *host-run-program-replaced* t)) -- Stelian Ionescu a.k.a. fe[nl]ix Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur. http://common-lisp.net/project/iolib